Category: Programmation


Arduino est un circuit imprimé sur lequel se trouve un microcontroleur (calculateur) qui peut être programmé pour analyser et produire des signaux électriques, de manière à effectuer des tâches très diverses comme la charge de batteries, la domotique (le contrôle des appareils domestique (éclairage, chauffage…)), le pilotage d’un robot, etc. C’est une plateforme basée sur …

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SimDev, 2D & 3D Physics Simulation Library.

SimDev is a very alpha library for rendering 2D & 3D Physics Simulation. The source code written for wxWidgets is released under GPL2 so you can play with it 🙂

Fractall 0.3 Universal Binary

Hello ! I’m playing with Xcode 2.4, So here is Fractall 0.3 UB Universal Binary (aka FAT binary) is for Intel & PPC MacOSX Real speed boost on MacIntel 🙂 Thanks for the great work from the SDL Team 🙂

The Java Trap & Knosciences Java implementation

High Priority for a Free JAVA Implementation at FSF : High Priority Free Software Projects ! For now, the Java software on Knosciences & KnoMath rely on the Sun’s Java implementation. We are in the JAVA Trap ! Sun’s implementation of Java is non-free. Blackdown is also non-free; it is an adaptation of Sun’s proprietary …

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Gistlabs free multiplateform software

Here is the news : wxGravity is out ! It’s a little alpha software that simulate Newton’s gravity Law. You can now download the gistlabs software in a centralized way here : Have Fun 🙂