Snap is really great for algorithm research and test. Here is a big classic from the eighties : The Mandelbrot fractal Set for Snap. Get the files here : fractals-0.2.xml And Have Fun !
Tag: programmation
Mar 21
Snap4arduino drag-and-drop programming language for arduino
Snap! (formerly BYOB) is a visual, drag-and-drop programming language. It is an extended reimplementation of Scratch (a project of the Lifelong Kindergarten Group at the MIT Media Lab) that allows you to Build Your Own Blocks. It also features first class lists, first class procedures, and continuations. These added capabilities make it suitable for a …
Feb 18
Le Raspberry Pi 2 est là !
Le Raspberry Pi 2 est sorti. Un peu par surprise il faut bien l’avouer ! Quadricode ARMv7 900MHz, ce nouveau raspberry pi est beaucoup plus rapide que le précédent B+ monocore ARMv6 700MHz. De 2 à 6 fois plus rapide au niveau des sensations pour les applications sous GNU/Linux ! Iceweasel, le firefox libre, devient …