Knosciences-0.95 is a major rebuild based upon Knoppix 3.9. New software : * Firefox 1.0.4 * Scilab 3.1.1 * libcomedi * ark * krusader 1.51 * Kate * Kfloppy * Evince * Xsane * Graphthing 1.1 * Nvu 1.0 * VLC 0.81 More information and download on Tuxfamily Knosciences website :
August 2005 archive
Aug 23
Gistlabs gallery updated
Aug 12
Gistlabs free multiplateform software
Here is the news : wxGravity is out ! It’s a little alpha software that simulate Newton’s gravity Law. You can now download the gistlabs software in a centralized way here : Have Fun 🙂