Category: Programmation

Oracle Java 7 under Ubuntu GNU/Linux

This repository provides a Debian package with the script and the same support files as in the support tarball. Setting things up is a bit more work, but the script will be properly integrated in your system. Additional advantages: a possibly installed out-of-date sun-java6 installation will be removed completely and if you keep the software …

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Arduino Leonardo as a joystick

The Arduino Leonardo’s big new feature (thanks to its ATmega32u4 chip) is the ability to emulate a keyboard, a mouse, or a joystick. This brings up so many possibilities for alternative control schemes for a computer. In this article they’ll show you how to grab the input from a Wii Nunchuck and get your computer …

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ColorLCDShield : Arduino 1.0 Lib for Nokia 6100 LCD

This is a (hopefully) simple Arduino library for use specifically with SparkFun Electronics’ Color LCD Shield. Get the Arduino 1.0 Color LCD Shield Lib here :

Arduino Cookbook

Create your own toys, remote controllers, alarms, detectors, robots, and many other projects with the Arduino development board. This simple microcontroller lets artists and designers build a variety of amazing objects and prototypes that interact with the physical world. With this cookbook you can dive right in and experiment with more than a hundred tips …

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Arduino – The Documentary