DRAGON's FOREST: All pics copyrighted by © Don MAITZ


Death of Glaurund

67.09 Kb
334 x 480


Darkness at Sethanon

197.57 Kb
1060 x 728


Swords & Dragon

53.66 Kb
329 x 480


Title u/k

331.40 Kb
986 x 1375


Sea of Night

64.59 Kb
508 x 381


Questing Hero ( close up )

60.05 Kb
330 x 480



He attended Paier School of Art from 1971-75 and began his career in New York book publishing, the market in which he has since evolved for many years. His work has enhanced various published formats including : books, magazines, cards, record albums, posters limited-edition prints, puzzles and computer screensaver programs.

He has twice won Science Fiction’s premier accolade, the Hugo Award, and has also earned a Howard Award from the World Fantasy Convention, a Silver Medal and Certificate of Merit from New York’s Society of Illustrators, plus no fewer than eight Chesley Awards from his peers ai the Association of Science Fiction and Fantasy Artists.

His paintings have been included in exhibitions at NASA’s 25th Anniversary Presentation, the New Britain Museum of American Art, the Park Avenue Atrium and the Hayden Planetarium in New York City.

His clients include Joseph Seagrams & Sons, Bell Telephone, Kodak, The National Geographic Society, Bantam Doubleday Dell, Warner Books, Ballantine Del Rey, Harper Collins and Penguin USA.

He has also received wide exposure as the original -and continuing - artist of the Captain Morgan Spiced Rum pirate character.



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